Going to Wendy's for some people is an occasional thing and for other people it is an every day event. When you make it an every day event the money starts to add up and the greasy foods you eat every day starts to show too. Wendy's might have a value menu but that doesn't mean that everything will be a value. The combo menu prices are around five to six dollars. When you buy a six dollars meal everyday for seven days you would spend forty two dollars just for your lunch in one week. Each meal has that you get would be around one thousand calories too, this includes the sandwhich, fries, and a soda. So that would be 7000 calories in one week just for your lunch! In the end Wendy's should be an occansional thing and not an everyday event.
In his post , he talks about how wendys should be a occasional thing. I agree completly with this because it is very unhealthy and very costly. it would be healthier if you packed you lunch at home and took it with you to work. fast food is to greasy .