Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shopping Madness

Summary- Shopping Madness
The summary I am writing about is by Bill Bryson, it’s called Shopping Madness and it’s an article in the book I’m a Strange Here Myself. Bryson thinks that shopping clerks can be pushy, not around, or just not care.
In this article Bill points out that Americans plan their vacations around there shopping plans and that when people want to go visit the Grand Canyon they can go shopping near it too. Bryson talks about how there is retail anthropology, it can show where people are going to shop, how long they will stay, and if they are going to buy an item or walk out. It can also show the best ways to lure shoppers in by the color scheme, music, and the layout. He also said there are three types of stores. The stores where you can never find anyone when you need them, there are stores where there is a sales woman who won’t leave you alone until you try something on or buy it, and then there are stores where the person doesn’t care and will say aisle seven no matter what. In one of his situations his son was looking for a toy and couldn’t find anyone except one kid at the front desk and was piled up with people. When it was finally his turn in line he asked what aisle the toy was in and the kid said aisle seven without looking up. Sure enough the toy was not in aisle seven but in aisle two and it took him ninety minutes to find the toy.

1 comment:

  1. In the chapter, Bryson is trying to show that there are three types of shopping clerks. I think he makes some good points about how some shopping clerks are to pushy and when you actually need a shopping clerk they are never around or just say a random aisle to get rid of you.For example i was in walmart one time and couldnt find an school item. I looked everywhere and couldnt find anybody so i just got frustrated that i couldnt find it so i left the store. Even though the clerks are trying to make a sale they dont need to force clothes or items on us to buy and although they might be short staffed the clerks could still be roaming around to see if anyone needs help.
