Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Money And Its Evil Charecteristics

People always say " money is the root of all evil". But you have to look at both sides of the argument. Money is not the only root of evil. There is other sources of motivation like jealously, greed, lust etc. But money is by far the largest root. Have you noticed that money is incorporated into a lot of our daily activities? We go to college to get a degree so we can get a job. We work to support ourselves. Money motivates people to unimaginable lengths . People kill each other for money, some rob for money, and others all over this world steal from each other . I believe money should not make you go againest your morals or personal ethics . It shouldn't change who you are or make you do things you usually would not do. Just think about it. You will be amazed when you realize how much of your day goes to money.


  1. in his post yonis wrote that money is the root of all evil and that it is by far the largest root on top of lust and greed and jealousy. even though this might be ture i believe that money can also be the root of good as well. i believe that money can motivate to do good. for example we would have alot fewer law enforcement officers in our society if they didnt get paid for their work. i also believe that money can bring happieness to people becasue if people are not in good fiancial health they can be very stressed out and if money was there to help them out they would have a big weight lifted off their shoulders.

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  3. In his post Yonis wrote that monny is the root and I'M agree with you 101% on the fact that money is the root of all evil because with money the the world could be on your hands. some say you can't buy happiness with money but to a certain degree i would say you can achieve happiness through money. wouldn't agree
