Monday, November 15, 2010

Christopher and Other Autistic Children!

After watching the movie on autistic kids, it did help me to understand Christopher more. In the movie it showed us that not every kid is the same. They are all talented in their own way. Elaine took a lot of children with autism in to do a musical with them. No one thought she could do it, but she was willing to prove them wrong. Lexi was very talented. She loved to sing, but she was an autistic kid. When she would get excited she would jump up and down and clap her hands. No matter what though Lexi never gave up singing. Christopher was also like this when it came to finding out who killed the dog. Henry in the movie was a very smart kid, but he was only smart, but he was only smart when it came to pre historic times. This is just like Christopher because he was also smart but in the math and science area. Christopher also didn’t like when people were loud. A lot of the kids in the movie were the same way. Adam was one of the kids who did not like loud noises. He would cover his ears just like Christopher would. Not all kids are like Christopher though. Wyatt was a very open kid. He loved to talk and he would go on for hours if you let him. This movie showed us that children with autism are not all the same, but people should treat them the same. Just because a child might have autism does not mean they can’t do what they put their minds to. All of these children proved this in their own way at the musical!

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