Sunday, November 14, 2010

Good understanding after movie

I really understand who Christopher is after I watched the movie. Before I watch the movie I have picture who Christopher is. But now I really know who he is. He was a special kid who was autistic, live in his own world, and we see many kids that have same problem as him in the movie. I never heard this problem and I never seen anybody that has autism. But the question I ask my self is, if we have this problem of autism, how come the Doctors around the world didn’t find medicines for those children that have autistic because this is really big problem. We learn something new every day! When we where reading the book I thought this story was a made up story because I never heard of people have autism and they live in their own world. But when I watch the movie and I see all those kids that have autism, I realize that this problem is not something the author just made it up but it’s a problem that many people around the world have. So my conclusion is the book and the movie is the same, both of them talk about kids that have autism. But the main character of the book is a kids that has autism, and the movie is people that made project for many kids that have autism.

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